Francis Miot House, Pau

History Francis Miot
The Hotel Bristol Pau takes you to discover Francis Miot, a French jam maker born in 1948 in Pau, in the Pyrénées-Atlantiques.
Born in a family of passionate cooks, he is a self-taught jam maker. For his studies, he joined the Lenôtre professional school. At the age of 20, he worked with great chefs of the South-West. A few years later, he created the company "La Galette aux Myrtilles" and launched his first artisanal jams in 1985.
He creates a range of jams and, in 1987, obtains a first national recognition by being crowned Best Jam Maker of France, then international with three titles of World Champion of Jam, classified out of competition, in 1988, 1990 and 1991.
He is the first to work on his fructose-based products without added sucrose.
Francis Miot, who passed away in 2015, pays tribute to Béarn with confections referring to the history of Henri IV such as the "Coucougnettes du Vert Galant".
Best Jam Maker in France and Triple World Champion, Francis Miot is honored to introduce you to its handcrafted jams, award-winning confectionery and exceptional chocolate.
Maison Francis Miot, an international reputation
Located in downtown Pau near the castle district and about ten minutes walk from the Hotel Bristol Pau, come and discover the different products offered by Maison Francis Miot.
This company has four stores all located in the South West of France.
From pot to pot, the small company grew until it took on a national dimension with the prize for Best Confit Maker in France obtained at the International Festival of Gesvres in 1987.
Francis Miot develops a talent and a very sharp know-how in the preparation of jams.
He excels in the art of choosing good, tasty and fragrant fruits while guaranteeing a very short cooking time to preserve all their flavors.
Rewarded many times for his art, the title of Triple World Champion registers Francis as an unrivalled confectioner.
A confectioner by trade and passionate about the "A's", he diversified his productions, surrounded himself with a team of chocolate makers and thus created the artisanal confectionery answering the sweet name of "Féerie Gourmande".
Trained in the purest French tradition, at the Lenôtre school, Francis has at heart to transmit to his teams the respect of the French know-how and the search for excellence and taste that he was previously taught.
In 1998, he launched with SG Sender (Gaston Lenôtre's "Monsieur Pâtissier") the famous Coucougnettes du Vert Galant.
Their success is such that a range of confectionery and chocolates seasoned with a naughty sense of humor follows, making Francis Miot "the polish of the gourmet"!
Insatiable creator, Francis also transmitted this will to innovate in his recipes to the teams of the Confiturerie and the Confiserie.